Come camp with us on the beach of San Onofre. We will camp out, cook, swim/boogie board, play games, eat ice cream and have a camp fire!
I must have a sign up roster by 9/5 or we will have to cancel this trip. Please Sign Up ASAP --------->
Cost $20 per person to troop treasurer and $15 for grub fees to the patrol grubmaster.
All adults must be registered with BSA to camp. This camp is on the military base. Each adult must also be background checked by Camp Pendleton. Due to the second background check we will need to know who is attending ASAP!
We need to secure numbers. Please sign up ASAP so that we can give camp a count!
Each scout MUST pass the BSA swim test to participate in water activities. If scouts are unable, they can take part in all other activities and stay no more then knee high in the water. If you have completed this at camp this year you are OK. If you have not, we will schedule a time to meet at Adam's Park Pool. This will be an early morning session.
To pass the swim test you must Jump feet first into water over the head in depth. Level off and swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating. PLEASE practice this distance. It is 4 laps in the pool and many scouts need practice to build up this endurance.
Congratulations to Julian who reached the rank of Eagle Scout. Julian demo'd an overgrown garden at the Primary School. He then designed and built a paved patio with seating and a reading Bee!
In 2024 BSA changed their fee structure and everyone was notified via email. I wanted to send a reminder as the registration fee will soon be due.
The troop no longer pays for youth/adult annual BSA fees. If you are new to BSA your payment date will be 12 months after you registered. If you have been with the troop for more then a year, your registration will be due prior to the end of the calendar year. You should receive notification from BSA in the coming months. Payment for registration will be the responsibility of the individual family and due directly to BSA. In 2024 fees were $145 per scout and $80 per registered adult for the year. We do not know if there will be a fee increase this year.
The troop dues were decreased to $10 a month in 2024 and will continue at that rate.
Please join us on Tuesday, August 20th for our weekly troop meeting. Carter, Jacob and Caleb will be leading a knot contributing game.
Remember we meet every Tuesday at 7PM at Ridgeview Church (except the first Tuesday of each month). The first Tuesday of each month is reserved for leaders planning.
Thank You to ALL that came out for Jon's Eagle Project these past 2 weeks. He COMPLETED building a Stone Block Wall at Ridgeview Church. Come by and check it out at the troop meeting this week. It was exciting to see ALL the scouts who sweated out to help complete this project. Remember to input your service hours in scoutbook!