There has been a change of date to our Court of Honor (CoH). The new date for the Court of Honor will be 2/25/25, with the date change that means that scouts have until 2/11/25 to complete a Board of Review (BOR).
February has a lot of opportunities for scouts to Service Hours. We will need scouts (preferably at least 3-4 each shift) to place or pick up flags along Valley Center Road on President's Day (sign up on the website).
Please sign up for the January Campout at the Salton Sea - Rocket Shoot! Estes Rocket to shoot at this event.
Remember - If you have been in the troop for greater than 1 year you need to re-register prior to December 31st! You should be getting a reminder email. Check your spam folders. My email came through on 11/4/24. You can also log into My Scouting to check your status! This is for you and your scout!