Purchase and Build your ESTES rocket for the Salton Sea Campout. You can get rockets on amazon or hobby shops including Hobby Lobby. Get your Rocket and Motors! The troop will provide the launch pads.
We will be hiking, cooking, working on advancement and racing RC Cars. If you have an RC Car get it ready to race at the campout.
If you have firewood, tables, popup shade tents please let us know! We could use these for the campout.
If you need a BOR, please request it ASAP by emailing advancement@troop619.org - BOR will be 1/14/25
All blue cards and advancement records should be turned in and updated in scoutbook by 1/14/25! Enter you camping nights, service hours and hiking miles!
Please sign up for the January Campout at the Salton Sea - Rocket Shoot! Estes Rocket to shoot at this event.
Remember - If you have been in the troop for greater than 1 year you need to re-register prior to December 31st! You should be getting a reminder email. Check your spam folders. My email came through on 11/4/24. You can also log into My Scouting to check your status! This is for you and your scout!